

Started by ACBIZ GLOBAL Business · 0 Replies
Posted: 9 w

RTL Support also supports right to left languages.
Social Login With ACBIZ GLOBAL ULTIMATE MUSIC SHARING PLATFORM you can login via most famous social media websites like (Facebook – Twitter – Google+ – LinkedIn – Vk – Instagram).
Easy & Nice Looking URL Users, Songs, Albums all in one tiny URL!
Home/News Feed Displays Posts, Songs, Products, and Albums posted by followed people.
User/Artists Timeline Displays user’s profile with Songs, Albums, and Products posted and shared by user.
Store System Artists can sell their own good that are related to their songs.
Events System Artists are able to create events and sell tickets to other users.
Plugin System developers can build plugins for ACBIZ GLOBAL ULTIMATE MUSIC SHARING PLATFORM and keep your customizations after updates.

Multi Upload
Upload a folder full of songs with one drag and drop.
Import System Users can import songs from Itune, YouTube and SoundCloud. With YouTube import system, listeners can watch the video as well.
Ads System Users can pay you for publishing in-site images & in-song audio ads.
Cover Picture/Video Users can upload their own cover image/video.
Story System Users can upload stories in audio-only format, free & paid stories that will be promoted to all users.
Notifications Receive notification from users (likes, dislikes, comments, shares .. etc)
#Hashtags Displays trending and related songs shared by users.
@Mentions Use @username to tag people in a song or messages.
Post Privacy User can choose the post privacy (Only me, Everyone.. etc)
Likes Like or unlike a song. View list of people who like this.
Dislike Dislike a song. View list of people who dislike this.
Comments & Replies Comment on a post, Reply to a comment, View all post comments.
Search Search for people, songs, albums, #Hashtags with our filtered search system.

Report posts to be checked by administrators.
Live Chat Real-time live chat system.
Full API ACBIZ GLOBAL ULTIMATE MUSIC SHARING PLATFORM comes with full API system, there is an API for every single feature!
Multi Languages 4 Languages (Arabic, English, Russian, Turkish) with the ability to add unlimited languages.
Many, many payment methods supported ACBIZ GLOBAL ULTIMATE MUSIC SHARING PLATFORM support various amount of payment methods.
Verified Profiles.
Fully responsive for all devices, browsers.
Password recovery by email.
Online user counter on admin & home page.
and much more…
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